Ampify your business triumph.

Realize personalized plans, implementable insights, and assessable achievements with our skilled consulting ensemble.


A commitment to finding creative and forward-thinking solutions for clients and continuously improving business processes.


A dedication to delivering high-quality services and building strong, professional relationships with clients.


A focus on understanding and meeting the needs and goals of clients, and delivering results that make a real difference.

A message from our CEO

"Our goal at Buskit is to deliver tangible outcomes for our clients."

John Anderson, Founder

The go-to consulting firm for notable companies

Our core services

Coaching / Supervision

Selon un processus:Le coach accompagne à atteindre ses objectifs personnels ou professionnels en favorisant la réflexion, la prise de conscience et l'action. Le superviseur guide et soutient un professionnel (coach ou dirigeant) dans son travail, offrant une perspective externe pour s’améliorer et favoriser la croissance professionnelle.

Formation en Management

We specialize in providing comprehensive assistance to businesses, offering expert guidance.

Conseil en Management

Offering guidance and support in areas such as budgeting, cash flow management.


“Revolutionized the way our team operates. The ease of use and customization options have made a huge impact on our productivity.”

Sarah, Wonder

“As a designer, has become my go-to tool for all projects. The design options are endless and the platform is extremely user-friendly. Love it!”

Alex, Prima

“Has been a game-changer for our development process. The platform's speed and reliability have allowed us to meet tight deadlines!”

Michael, Bend